492 The Sick Goose and the Council of Health
The Sick Goose and the Council of Health
In the years before the cholera vibrio virus was isolated and germ theory was successfully adopted by the medical profession, curatives like water therapy (hydropathy), bloodletting, "gout pills," and alcoholic beverages reigned supreme as suitable treatments for disease
The Sick Goose and the Council of Health
Original Caption: From USNLM summary: "A sick goose is sitting in a chair; a line of animated patent medicine containers, a water pump, and a gouty figure runs from left to right; in the foreground is a tiny figure of a man standing on a book titled Homeopathy; each offers a different cure."
Event Date:
Artist: George Cruikshank
Owner: Courtesy of U.S. National Library of Medicine
Source: Other
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