By 1835, New York City was the premier American city
and its financial prowess surpassed that of Philadelphia
or Boston. The opening of the Erie Canal ten years
earlier connected New York to raw materials and commercial
interests in the Midwest and allowed the city to rise
to prominence as both a national and international
market hub. Over half of the country’s exports
left through New York harbor while more than a third
of American imports arrived there. Insurance companies,
investment firms, real estate companies and others
made New York their home. Railroad terminals were
rapidly built within the city to facilitate commerce.
As the city expanded northward and its economic significance
increased, fire was once again a major concern. Insurance
companies worried that a large fire could sap their
resources; influential politicians and citizens feared
the potentially disastrous impact of fire on the city’s
prospects for continued growth. Moreover, the mayor
and numerous common council members held stock in
or were board members of many of the city’s
fire insurance firms.
While city officials were personally and materially
invested in protecting the city from fire and made
efforts to build more watch towers and hire more watchmen,
one serious impediment to fire fighting was becoming
apparent: the lack of a reliable water
source for the city. By 1835 many officials had begun
to develop a long-term vision to solve the city’s
water problem, but little actually had been accomplished.
The city’s residents as well as its firefighters
still had to rely on neighborhood wells, forty strategically
placed fire cisterns, and an inadequate reservoir
located at 13th Street and the Bowery. Cholera
outbreaks in 1832 and 1834 hastened the city’s
plans for building the Croton Reservoir, which would
bring clean water from upstate Westchester County
into the city.
In addition to an inadequate water supply, the fire department’s growth
in the 1820s and 1830s had not kept pace with the growth of the city. The city’s
population had swelled by an additional 145,000 in the past decade, but the
department had only added about 300 more firemen. Firemen were as popular as
ever but 1,500 firemen, 55 engines, 6 ladder companies and 5 hose carts could
not protect the growing number of New Yorkers. Throughout the summer and fall
of 1835, the department had been kept quite busy fighting numerous fires. In
fact on December 14th, the entire fire department – 1500 strong –
had spent the freezing, miserable evening fighting two large fires, which destroyed
thirteen buildings and two shops. The city’s fire cisterns were nearly
empty and its fire fighting force exhausted when disaster struck.
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